Medicine Hat Area Employment Mentorship

The name of the program is The Medicine Hat Area Employment Mentorship: A Local Professional Partnership between Industry and Community Leaders with Newcomers (MHAEM).

The vision and purpose of this program is two-fold: To create a streamlined system for helping newcomers to Medicine Hat: close their professional/educational gaps, build networks and friendships, and find productive and fulfilling employment in a timely manner.

Additionally, to work to enrich the Medicine Hat Community through diversifying the workplace, filling the skill gaps (thereby increasing our skilled workforce), improving workplace understanding and culture in Medicine Hat, and empowering individuals to better contribute to this wonderful community.

The program will have three parts: Pre-Mentorship, Mentorship, and Post-Mentorship.


In the Pre-Mentorship phase we will have an intake process which begins with filling out a brief 5 minute survey for mentees, and from then will move to interviews (interviews will be performed for both mentors and mentees). Upon being entered into the program we will have an orientation where we will go over scheduling and expectations, as well as have something of a meet and greet for mentees and mentors. After this we set up matches between mentors and mentees.

And then we will have workshops which should last from 1-2 weeks (scheduling/availability will be done in mind with work schedules) these workshops will include such items as: Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Intercultural Competence, Canadian Workplace expectations and culture, etc. (some workshops will be for just mentees, some for just mentors, and some for both)


In the Mentorship phase mentees and mentors will be provided with a roadmap/loose schedule for their meetings, to ensure productive exchange and coverage for matters of import. We will also be endeavoring to provide opportunities for job shadowing for mentees where mentors are unable to through partnerships with local industry leaders.

At the end of the mentorship it is expected that a mentor may be able to provide a recommendation on whether or not the mentee need continue their studies to fill their professional gaps here in Canada, or if they are experienced enough where they should just take the certification exams. Mentors will also provide entrance into professional networks relevant to their and the mentees industry and job search tools/portals particular to the industry as well. The mentorship process is expected to last 4 months with mentors and mentees meeting at least once every 2 weeks for 1-2 hours. At the mentor’s discretion the mentee may use them as a reference


In the Post-Mentorship phase we will have a graduation event where mentees will be provided with a certificate which we will endeavor to have recognized by local businesses, and in which mentors will be honored. We will also have reunion events for graduating groups for purposes of networking and checking in with how the program is currently progressing. We hope and anticipate that graduated mentees will come back to serve as mentors.

We have built, and continue to work to grow and expand, an amazing local network of career and employment guidance and support organizations with groups like Medicine Hat College, AlbertaWorks, the YMCA, Entrecorps, and many others. If you are interested in our program but have concerns about whether or not you can take the time to participate, please reach out and let us know, chances are quite good that we can connect you to those that can help you to be enabled to provide for yourself while progressing in your ability to work professionally here in Canada through our program. We all want you to succeed!

If you are unsure about your eligibility to participate in the program, please come see us, even if you aren’t there yet, we can sit down with and build a plan, or roadmap to get you there in a reasonable amount of time.

We look forward to working with you!

Program Design –  Medicine Hat Area Employment Mentorship



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